Video is down right now, so I will be typing out the mini workouts. With a week under your belt you should be able to do the mini workout without the video instruction. As soon as I can I will post the video for each mini workout!

Mini Workout 1
5-5-20 (5 exercises -5 sets – 20 reps)
1. Tuck-ups
2. Jump Squats
3. Push-ups
4. Side-hop jump lunge Side-hop jump lunge (20 on each leg)
5. Side crunches (20 on each side)

Mini Workout 2
100 to 10 (1 time through/2 if your brave/3 if your awesome)
100 Jumping Jacks
90 Second Wall Sit
80 High Knees
70 Bicycles
60 Back Lunges
50 Sit-ups
40 Side Lunges
30 Squats
20 Push-ups
10 Buprees

Mini Workout 3
2 Sets-Get it DONE!
45 Sit-ups
30 Crunches
40 Leg Raises (laying on your side 40 each leg)
50 Second Plank
25 Dips
20 Push-ups
60 Mountain Climbers